Students playing at recess

Ask many students what the favorite part of their school day is and you are likely to hear "recess!!!!" as the answer. We are fortunate here at Harrison to have a large outdoor space, with a field, hill, basketball court, and a large playground.

This year, besides the typical yearly purchase of sleds, for everyone's favorite winter pastime, the school has also purchased a collection of outdoor yard games. Students not only are getting to play some great new games, but they are practicing and increasing their skills in the areas of: communication, teamwork, and responsibility (we all need to clean up after!). It has been wonderful seeing students work together and having fun!

Ms. G and a sixth grader play Cornhole!

Sixth graders playing Ladder Ball

Fifth graders play Jenga!

Fifth graders playing Ladder Ball:

Fifth graders playing Frisbee:

Fifth graders playing Jenga outside: