Sky reflects off of melted snow

Welcome back Students, and Staff!

The first few days back from break have been filled with sunshine, and a new coat of powdered snow-Showing us the hope and warmth of Spring, and the beauty of Winter.

Much like the weather outside, the inside of the building is filled again with the beauty of learning/student growth, and the warmth of our school and classroom communities. With the continued collaboration of students, families, and our staff, we will continue to cultivate a community of life-long learners through the Spring and beyond.

Families: It has been awhile since many of you were inside of our building-we miss our volunteers and visitors-so, we wanted to take a few moments of your time to highlight some new additions and displays of student learning from our hallways. We can't wait to have more family events, and volunteer opportunities in the future.  Spring Conference Day is Thursday, March 17!  Please be on the lookout for notices from your student(s) teacher. Our partnership in learning makes all the difference.

Multiplication Facts on the Stairs!

We have added multiplication facts to our central stairway! These were purchased though funding from the District Aspirations Grant Program-that Ms. Graffam and Mr. Ripley received to help improve the appearance and welcoming atmosphere of our building. 

6th Grade Blood Projects

6th graders showcase some models of blood, in our lobby area, they created to demonstrate their learning during a Health unit on Circulation. 

Kindness board in lobby area

Our PBIS Team has some kindness focused activities planned for March, and to help foster the idea of Kindness-we have put up posters to inspire us and encourage us to find the positives AND pass it on to others. 

Library students create quilt for African American History Month

During Library, students researched and learned about influential African Americans from history. They collaboratively put their products together to create a quilt that is displayed in the hallway.


3rd grade WinterKids posters

Third Graders show their WinterKids pride! They created posters to advertise for our WinterKids WinterCarnival-and created a banner to display during the closing ceremonies. 

4th grade work

4th graders connected WinterKids activities to writing and art! So great to see the collaboration between subject areas and students putting their learning into action. 

4th and 3rd grade art work

Samples of 4th and 3rd grade art work created during their weekly Art class-the colors really brighten up the hallways and students love to see their creations on display.

Lunch Room

We continue to keep extra space during lunch times-to increase safety- In our cafeteria, there is an inspirational poster to remind students that they are enough, and can always "be the kind kid!"