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What do 3rd graders, the 100th day of school, paper, collaboration, perseverance, and bridges have to do with each other?? 

They are all STEM challenges that have been taking place recently in Mrs. Peterson's and Mrs. Geer's classrooms!

For the 100th day day of school, students were tasked with the challenge of stacking 100 cups to create the tallest structure. This task required planning, collaboration, steady hands, and teamwork! The teacher's loved seeing the students work together as they celebrated reaching the 100th day of their 3rd grade year!

100 cup stacking

3rd cup stacking

Students building cup towers

cup stacking!

On Wednesday, third graders- as part of their science unit related to Forces and Motion- were challenged to construct, using only paper, bridges that were strong enough to hold math tiles. The teams had to design and make modifications as they tested their prototypes to see whose bridge could hold the most tiles!