During Harrison Husky Time, we went outside to work as small groups building the biggest snow sculpture! Check out the pictures of some creations.
over 1 year ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
snow sculpture
Snow bulding!
snow sculpture
snow sculpture
snow sculpture
snow sculpture
Snow bulding!
Snow bulding!
Snow Sculpting
snow building
Pre-K Registration Time! Please share with any families, with a child who will be 4 years old this fall.
over 1 year ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
Pre-K Registration information
WinterKids Winter Games Results are in......... Congrats to Harrison Students, Staff, and Families for coming in 10th places (which is really like 5th place because of ties)! Because of the hard work and fun, Harrison will receive $750 to support outdoor activities. Check out the leaderboard to see where other schools placed: https://winterkids.org/winter-games/winter-games-competitive-track/ We also want to congratulate Agnes Gray on their 11th place finish after their first year of competition!
over 1 year ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
WinterKids 2023 Results
Harrison Families: On Thursday and Friday, we will have visiting educators from the Cromwell Center for Disabilities Awareness! During the visit, our students will take part in conversations about abilities, respect, and inclusion. These topics support our district goals for Social Emotional Learning, Healthy and Resilient Students, Respect, and Responsibility. Grade 3 will learn about: Respecting differences and celebrating strengths. Grade 4 will learn about: Hidden challenges, inclusion, and sensitivity. Grade 5 will learn about: The importance of strategies and the power of unkind words. Grade 6 will learn about: Just kidding vs. bullying, human commonalities, respect, and inclusion. For more information on the Cromwell Center: https://cromwellcenter.org/disability-awareness-for-students/
over 1 year ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
Lacrosse Clinic March 25
over 1 year ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
lacrosse clinic poster
Information on how to stay safe during the extreme cold-from the Oxford Hills School Nurses. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yZWc0NWLkYCkGQPIjm_w41XyWvcBZx-YzYDdf43qLy4/edit?usp=sharing If you need a warm place: Norway Library 10:00am-5pm Paris Library 9:00am- 6pm Paris Fire Dept 7:00am- TBD (hot coffee available) Oxford Fire Station is available to anyone who needs to warm up, take a shower, use the bathroom, charge cell phone, etc. anytime. Otisfield Community Center will have a warming shelter Poland Library 9:00am-5pm Waterford will have a warming center on Saturday Feb 4 10-4 at the town complex 366 Valley Road Waterford. There is access to bathrooms and warm beverages. Turner Fire Station 8:00am-7pm Please call 211 for more resources
over 1 year ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
How to dress for extreme cold
PTO Meeting
over 1 year ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
PTO February Meeting
over 1 year ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
PTO fundraiser
Here are the Winter Safety Expectations for HARRISON. Now that snow seems to be here to stay, we wanted to share with all families- These are the expectations teachers and students review to ensure that outside time is safe and fun for all. Thank you for helping to support at home also!
over 1 year ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
Winter Safety Expectations for Harrison
WinterKids Update! Families: WE NEED YOUR HELP! Students will be brining home a BINGO board (see picture) tonight. For us to get all our points, we need EVERY FAMILY to score 5 in a row on the bingo board. We would love if families can find time this weekend to complete activities. Please have students bring the bingo board back to school on Monday. Wednesday, we will have a family sledding night at the Harrison School, 5:30-6:15. An adult is required to stay with each group of kids to help supervise. We will provide hot chocolate! Looking forward to having families join the HES staff in a night of sledding fun!
over 1 year ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
sledding night
Smoothies for all Harrison students on Wednesday! Students will be getting smoothies on Wednesday at lunch, as part of our WinterKids Winter Games- Nutrition Week activities!
over 1 year ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
Smoothies for lunch!
Harrison WinterKids Winter Games Food Drive!
over 1 year ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
Food drive
Harrison Husky WinterKids Winter Clothing Drive! As part of our WinterKids activities, Harrison is collecting new or gently used winter gear. We are collecting this week until Friday! These items will be used to support outdoor activities for students who are in need.
over 1 year ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
Winter Clothing Drive
PTO Meeting Tuesday night- Childcare will be provided!
over 1 year ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
PTO meeting
Harrison Families! Follow our #GoingForTheGold journey for WinterKids WinterGames! https://www.msad17.org/o/harrison-elementary/news
over 1 year ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
WinterKids 2023
Do you enjoy spending time outside? Then check out this deal from WinterKids! Students will be bringing home the paper version today, that includes a special discount code that gives the family a FREE membership. Lots of GREAT discounts at local outdoor organizations.
almost 2 years ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
WinterKids App
What cool 5th grade learning projects! Students in 5th grade science have been learning about the planets. They were tasked with creating models to represent their chosen planet and include a written report. If you are in the Harrison lobby-check them out!
almost 2 years ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
5th grade planet projects
Harrison Gingerbread designs have been started! Check out the construction progress so far. We will finish next week and then display them for the whole school to see before break! #Teamwork #perseverance
almost 2 years ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
Gingerbread houses built so far
group working to build together
designing a gingerbread house
collaboration to build together
Harrison and Waterford Spirit days! Let's get ready for Winter Break and have some fun-All are encouraged to participate.
almost 2 years ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
Harrison Spirit Days
Waterford Spirit Days
This week, and next, during the Harrison Husky Half-Hour, groups will be making gingerbread inspired designs. We can't wait to see the collaboration and creativity! Thank you to all the families who were able to donate and to the PTO for supporting this community activity! Stay tuned for pictures of their creations!
almost 2 years ago, Harrison Elementary School Updates
supplies for building gingerbread homes