Letter in an envelope

April 15, 2022 

Dear Families, 

Today is the last day before our spring break next week. I can feel the excitement in the children and the staff.  As the weather warms, I love seeing everything greening up and the beginnings of spring flowers popping through the soil.

We have had a busy month since my last letter. Our hearing and vision screenings were completed as well as a visit from the ‘Tooth Fairy’ for those who signed up to be seen by the dental hygienist. Our Pi day and Cherrydale fundraisers were completed and were very successful. Thank you to those who participated. (If you did not see the article from the Pi Day in the Advertiser Democrat, look it up. There was a great video embedded.) Parent/Teacher conferences were held and some staff participated in a PBIS (Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports) Conference. The second trimester progress reports went home and a few classes have gone on field trips.

A few weeks ago, an updated Covid letter came out from our Health Department.  There is a link to that letter below as well as upcoming dates to note.

Coming up we are celebrating Staff Appreciation Week. Jamie Smith, parent and former HSS nurse, is helping organize the week. If you would like to help donate, please contact her at 440-7478. We are also recognizing Wishbone Day to support a student. This is on May 6. A flyer with more information will be sent out when we return from our spring break. Kindergarten registration will be happening soon.  If you have a child ready for kindergarten or know of a local family with a child of age, please contact us.

Finally, I have started a new Facebook page for the school after many weeks of trying to find the owner of the existing page. Our new page has a hawk as the profile picture. If you prefer to get news about the school from FB, be sure to follow us on the new FB page.

I hope your kids have a great spring break and that they get outside!  I will be spending some time at the beach.



Learning is not the product of teaching. Learning is the product of the activity of learners.- John Holt

Latest Covid Update from the MSAD Health Department:

Upcoming Dates to Note:

April 18-22 - School Break

May 2-6 - Staff Appreciation Week

May 2 - School Board Meeting

May 6 - Wishbone Day (wear yellow)

May 12 - Kindergarten screening

May 16 - School Board Meeting

May 30 - Memorial Day - No School

Here Comes the Bus App:

1) Call the school to get your child’s student ID number.

2) Download the app Here Comes the Bus.

3) Click the Sign Up button.

4) Enter the school district code: 84806 and click Next.

 5) Complete the User Profile box.

6) Under My Students, click Add. Enter your child's last name and student ID number.

7) Once you confirm your information, you're ready to begin.

If you have any trouble, reach out to the transportation department at 743-5621. They know more about the app.